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The General Guidelines After Hyaluronic Acid Injection Treatment
By Dreauty January 6th, 2024
The General Guidelines After Hyaluronic Acid Injection Treatment
The General Guidelines After Hyaluronic Acid Injection Treatment
Care after Hyaluronic Acid injection treatment is very important for achieving the best effect and minimizing any potential side effect. Here are some general guidances that are much often recommended(of course, the specific care instructions after treatment vary depends on the injection types, injected sites and individual physical condition):
1.  Avoid to touch the treated areas: the patients are usually advised not to touch, rub or press the treated areas for a certain period after injection. This may prevent Hyaluronic Acid from spreading to unintended areas.
2. Try to keep away from the heat:  better to avoid overheat stuff right after treatment, like saunas, hot bath or exposure to the sun for long time. The heat may make the swelling and bruising worse.
3. Stay upright: it is suggested to stay upright for several hours right after injection (especially when facial treatment is finished) to prevent Hyaluronic Acid from migrating.
4. Limit physical activities: intense physical activities or exercises maight be discouraged within the first 24-48 hours right after treatment to reduce the swelling and bruising.
5. Cold compress: applying a cold compress or ice bag to the treated area may help to reduce swelling and bruising. It's important to do this with a clean barrier between the ice and skin to avoid irritation.
6. Avoid certain medications and supplements: before and after treatment, patients might be advised to avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements, like aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, and fish oil for a certain period to minimize bruising.
7. No alcohol: it is often recommended to avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours before and after treatment, as alcohol may increase the risk of bruising and swelling.
8. Keep away from Skincare products: certain skincare products, particularly those containing retinol, glycolic acid, or other exfoliating agents, should be restricted for a few days after injection.
9. Use sunscreen: protecting the skin from sun exposure by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen may help keep the effect of the treatment and protect the skin.
10. Hydration: keeping well-hydrated is often recommended, as it may help in the healing process.
11. Avoid Makeup: some beauty specialists advise not to wear makeup within 24 hours after facial injections to avoid infection.

Warm Tips
The above are just general guidelines, the specific aftercare instructions should be provided by the healthcare professionals or beauty specialists who performed the treatment. Patients should always follow the tailored advice given by their practitioner to acheive the best outcomes.

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